Policy of the Integrated Management System

Our actions directs us to customer needs, to meet
the requirements set by them, to provide high quality and innovation with minimal effects on the environment.
At the same time, we are committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System.

Integrated Management System Policy is implemented through the following strategic objectives:
  1. Improving and developing the Integrated Management System.
  2. Providing products and services that ensure customers with contentment, giving them full satisfaction.
  3. The company's development in the field of organizational and infrastructural sectors - the introduction of technological progress for quality development and to implement the concept of sustainable development.
  4. The emphasis on quality and strategy of "0 defects" from the inquiry, project implementation to the finished product.
  5. Systematic improvement and improvement of qualifications of employees and their awareness of the high quality of work and their impact on the environment.
In our activities we commit ourselves to:

Meeting the requirements of the legislation and regulations on business and the environment.

Continuous improvement of the organization, so as to minimize impact on the environment and prevent pollution through the use of appropriate technologies.

Providing resources and financial resources necessary to achieve the goals.

We declare that the Integrated Management System Policy has been agreed with employees, it is publicly available for interested parties and all employees are committed to its implementation.

Our Environmental Decalogue

Being aware of our impact on the environment and acting in accordance with the Policy of the Integrated Management System, we are determined to improve activities in the field of the environment, in order to minimize the impact on the environment.

The Integrated Management System Policy is implemented through the following strategic goals:
  1. The aim of the AK Spolka z o.o. is to maintain the lowest possible impact of our operations on the environment through the maximum use of our available resources and advanced technologies, while taking into account economic aspects.
  2. The environment is what surrounds us and we have a real impact on the environment. 
  3. We prevent environmental pollution by taking care of the cleanliness around our workplace.
  4. Consideration for purity and water consumption is one of the key elements of environmental protection.
    We implement it through the use of recirculated water in the production process.
  5. By replacing the used oil, we pay particular attention to the correct execution of activities that do not pollute
    the environment in which we work.
  6. The principle "eyes wide open to unnecessary power consumption" (lighting, work equipment) - we thus influence the reduction of power consumption and the costs incurred by our company.
  7. By maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of machinery and equipment, we take care of their condition - preventing accidents and contaminants from entering the environment.
  8. We are aware of the risks associated with the use of chemicals.
  9. We do this, not to create a situation of fire risk or likely to cause an environmental catastrophe.
  10. Employees of AK Spolka z o.o. are adequate to their positions, trained and informed in order to increase awareness of environmentally-friendly production.

Conflict Minerals Statement

AK Sp. z o.o. conducts its activities with particular emphasis on business ethics and social responsibility towards all stakeholders.

We declare that all raw materials and components purchased by AK Sp. z o.o. are originating from responsible sources, and in particulat we do not cooperate with suppliers with business involvement in conflict affected  countries or high risk areas where systematic violations of international law, including human rights violation, occur.

In compliance with the European Union Conflict Minerals Regulation, which enters into force on 1 Jan' 2021 and 
the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Customer Protection Act) adopted in 2010 by the US Congress,
in particular with article 1502, which imposes reporting requirements on listed companies with regard to informing about use of „bloody materials” in their products i.e.: tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold (3TG).

We expect from our suppliers to follow the principles of social responsibility in obtaining raw materials and components for their business purposes, and that they will implement the principles of safe sourcing of materials and will require the same from their suppliers.

AK Spółka z o.o. informs that 3TG raw materials are not used in its products.

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